Disaster Relief Volunteers

Disaster Relief Volunteers


It is known from the experience of Japan, a country with a long recordof disaster prevention and relief, that the coordinating ratio among self-help, mutual support, and publicsupport is 7:2:1.This shows that the importance of self-help and mutual supportbetween community members account for a considerable proportion when takentogether. Therefore, itis very important to think about how to promote community disaster prevention.This is when we need disaster relief volunteers!

Why aredisaster relief volunteers needed?

Self-help, mutual support,cooperation is their principle.

Self-help: Becoming a disasterrelief volunteer and gaining disaster prevention-related knowledge allows younot only to protect yourself, but also to achieve the aim of helping others.

Mutual support: You can immediatelylead disaster response after the disaster has occurred. This largely increasesthe chance of successful rescue.

Cooperation: Assist relevant unitsin strengthening the communities' and civilians' autonomous disaster preventioncapabilities; be a bridge between the government and citizens.

What can disaster relief volunteersdo?

Before a disaster occurs: Assistrelevant units in promoting disaster prevention among families, communities,and workplaces.

When a disaster occurs: Assist invarious response measures, including evacuations, disaster informationreporting, and shelter management.

After a disaster has occurred:Carry out aftermath restoration work, and guide external resources to assist inrestoration and reconstruction.

How do I become a disaster reliefvolunteer?

Step One: To participate in thetraining course to become a disaster prevention specialist, one must havegraduated from junior high school or a higher level of school, or holdequivalent academic qualifications.

Step Two: After course completion,academic and technical examinations will be conducted. The technical testinvolves rescue subjects, such as basic first aid training and emergency rescuemeasures.

Step Three: After passing theexaminations, the Ministry of the Interior will issue a disaster reliefvolunteer certificate and badge. Congratulations to those who have become amember of the disaster prevention team!

Where do I go to participate indisaster relief volunteer training?

Please refer to the DisasterPrevention and Rescue Information Website of the National Fire Agency, Ministryof the Interior for information about disaster relief volunteer training ineach county and city.



