Family Disaster Prevention Card Usage Guidelines

Family Disaster Prevention Card Usage Guidelines


WHY - why is a Family Disaster Prevention Card necessary?

1. Disasters may strike suddenly. Planning in advance can help all family members know how to contact other family members or important people, or where to find each other in an emergency.

2. You may also be one of the victims of the disaster. Keep your emergency contact information with you in advance so that others can help you immediately.

HOW - what to write on the card

1. Sit down with your family to discuss it (including arrangements for children, disabled adults and other people needing care).

2. Start by asking a simple question: “If...?” , in order to see the possible scenarios. “If certain disaster happens, and I am not with my family at the time”, “How should I contact my family members?”, “How should I find out if my family members are safe?”, “How do I let my family know that I am safe?”

3. The following sets out the plan step by step: It’s best to write it down!

(1) Collect - Information

Write down the telephone numbers and email addresses of your family members and important contact persons. We suggest that you include the schools and other caretakers.

If your family is hard of hearing, speech impaired, or needs an interpreter, we recommend that you use the functions on your mobile phone or mobile device to assist in emergency communication.

Relatives or friends in other counties and cities can help to make contact in the event of a disaster.

For the emergency meeting points, please use familiar places and confirm that these meeting points are accessible to family members in terms of mobility, transport connection, and functionality.

Write down relevant medical requirements on the Emergency Contact Card (for example: medical history, medication allergies, etc.).

(2) Share - Make sure everyone has the information

Pin the Family Disaster Prevention Card on the fridge or noticeboard.

Make a separate Emergency Contact Card which you must keep with you in your backpack, wallet or handbag.

Save at least one emergency contact number on your mobile phone or mobile device, and put all emergency contact numbers into the same group.

 (3) Emergency Drill - Now is the time to get some practice!

All family members must meet regularly to discuss and review your plans.

When making a call, what is said or sent in a message should be simple and to the point.

Discuss who will be the first to send out the message.

Make more use of email, Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking websites for communication.



