In The Event Of An Earthquake, Remain Calm And Take Action
Inthe event of an earthquake, one must remain calm, protect oneself from injury,and take action.
Whenan earthquake occurs - immediately ensure your own safety.
Protectyour head and neck.
Finda sturdy table to crawl under.
Bewareof falling furniture and objects.
Ifstoves are in use, immediately turn off the gas and seek safety where you are.
Whenthe earthquake stops - confirm your safety
Confirmthat family members are safe.
Ifthere is a fire, either extinguish the fire or make a report and call 119,depending on the situation. If the fire is too big, please leave the sceneimmediately.
Checkif the exits are clear and unblocked.
Ifyou are trapped, call 119 and blow whistles or make rhythmic noises by hittingobjects to let rescuers know where you are.
Beware:earthquakes may trigger landslides, debris flows, and tsunamis. If a tsunamiwarning is issued, immediately evacuate and seek safety.
Afterthe earthquake - evacuation preparation
Rememberto turn off the power from the main electrical panel, turn off gas, lock doorsand windows.
Onceyou’ve escaped outside, beware of objects that may fall to the ground (glass,tiles, signboards) and stay away from brick walls.
Headto an evacuation shelter if you cannot return home.
Informfamily and friends that you are safe. You can also use the 1991 Safety Bulletin Board to leavea message.
Afterthe earthquake - rescue operations
Whenyour own safety is ensured, work together to rescue people who are trapped.
Helpwith first-aid provision or take people with severe injuries to the hospital.
Ifthere are looters taking advantage of the chaos, loudly tell them to stoplooting and ask nearby people or the police for help.
Youcan form a rescue team with the people you are taking shelter with.
Afterthe earthquake - external support
Conservewater, electricity, and various supplies of basic necessities at the evacuationshelter.
Payattention to the information issued by the government. Do not believe rumors,and cooperate in taking necessary actions.
Remaincautious of aftershocks while in the evacuation shelter.
Providehelp to seniors and people with disabilities.
Afterthe earthquake - evacuation preparation
Helpwith the operations in the evacuation shelter.
Followthe rules of living with a group of people.
Maintainspirit of teamwork and put that spirit into practice.