Water Safety
The five “Don’ts” to preventdrowning
Don’t stay in the water for anextended period of time: Do not stay in the water for an extended period oftime to prevent hypothermia
Don’t dive: Do not dive or engagein any dangerous behavior
Don’t go in the water tired: Do notswim or play in the water when you are feeling tired
Don’t be in the water alone: Payattention to where your companions are at all times and do not go in the wateralone
Don’t play around: Do not playaround and/or pull pranks on people in the water
The five “Do’s” to prevent drowning
Do pay attention: Pay attention toweather reports and do not play in the water in bad weather conditions
Do stay calm: Try to stay calm andrelax when you fall into the water
Do be careful: Because lake andstream environments differ considerably from land environments, please exercisecaution when in the water
Do follow the rules: Go in thewater only when there are life-saving equipment and lifeguards nearby
Do warm up: Warm up before going inthe water and do not wear jeans when going in the water